Composers / Witold Lutosławski / Persons catalog

Stanisław Dygat

Stanisław Dygat (1914–1978) - writer, publicist, author of stories and novels (including Lake Constance, Farewells, The Journey, Disneyland, Railway Station in Munich), several of which have been adapted for film. He was the brother of Witold Lutosławski's wife, and was friends with the composer. Lutosławski has told Irina Nikolska of his relation to the writer:

"The war had not yet come when I met the brother of my wife, a renowned writer, Stanisław Dygat, through my being a member of the Film Authors' Cooperative. This was an organization of avant-garde directors: Cękalski, the Themersons, Jakubowska, Perski, and Ford. I was being engaged for their avant-garde films as a composer. Stanisław Dygat authored a film script, which was to be directed by Cękalski. This didn't come to fruition, but I became friends with Dygat, who had a great sensibility for music. He attended concerts, he had a great ear and a very wide-ranging passion for music. He would come to our concerts to Aria, the first cafe at which I played with Panufnik. He said that he would bring his sister, so that she too may listen to our playing. Stanislaw was to us practically the closest person in Warsaw until his death. We would see him almost every day, or at least telephone each other and comment upon each event". (kt / trans. mk)