Composers / Thomas Tellefsen / Places catalog
Concerts in Le Havre and Honfleur
1843: Le Havre
On 20 May 1843, Tellefsen performed at Le Havre’s Frascati Hotel. He sent a review of this performance to his parents, who published it in a Trondheim newspaper. In the account, Tellefsen was mistakenly presented as a student of Kalkbrenner: “Yesterday a grand musical soirée at the Frascati Hotel assembled in the concert hall of this illustrious establishment a select audience for the assessment of one of the more prominent pupils of Kalkbrenner, Mr Tellefsen, who proved to be an artist of fabulous talent, for which he was applauded numerous times”.
1844: Two concerts in Honfleur
In 1844, the young pianist gave a concert in Honfleur, together with a Norwegian violinist, Georg Frederik Rostad (1819–1883). After a long illness, in the spring of 1844, Tellefsen visited Honfleur again in the summer to recuperate. On 20 August that year, he gave a concert including Bach preludes and fugues.
1845: A concert at the Salle de Bourse in Honfleur
In the summer of 1845, Tellefsen visited Honfleur again, giving lessons and three concerts. In September 1845, he wrote to his parents: “It has been two months since I left Paris, and in that time I have given three concerts, which were lavishly applauded. I’m sending you programmes and reviews; let the Norwegian nation know that France does not disdain a poor young artist, who next year will seek recognition in his homeland, as is primarily sought by anyone who deems himself at least a little patriotic.”
One of the three concerts took place at the Salle de Bourse in Honfleur and also featured a French violinist, a local school choir and an amateur orchestra. Tellefsen played numerous pieces from the contemporary virtuoso repertoire, a Kalkbrenner concerto and a fantasy by Thalberg.
1846: Three concerts: Honfleur, Le Havre and Caen
On 4 June, Tellefsen wrote home: "I forgot to let you know that I gave three concerts in Honfleur, Le Havre and Caen to incredible applause”. His father sent the reviews for translation and publication in a local newspaper.