Composers / Thomas Tellefsen / Places catalog
The Tellefsens' house
Thomas Dyke Acland Tellefsen (1823−1874) was born and raised in this house, located in the centre of the city. He lived here until his departure for Paris in 1842. The family home pulsated with music. Thomas's mother gave piano lessons, and his father, an organ player, built miniature organs and sold instruments and sheet music. The family had ten children, of which only six reached maturity. As the family grew, there was increasing pressure to secure additional income. Apart from his own concert work, Thomas's father decided to take up the organisation of concerts both for visiting performers and for local musicians. The concerts took place in the grand hall of the Tellefsens' big house, which the Trondheim Music Society periodically used as a practice room and concert hall.
The Tellefsens' house was built in the mid eighteenth century. From c.1750, the estate belonged to our composer's grandfather, the skipper Johan Cornelius Tellefsen (1745−1777), and then to his father, the cathedral organist Johan Christian Tellefsen (1774−1857), who took it over in 1807. Unfortunately, the house burnt to the ground in a great fire in Trondheim in 1842 and was never rebuilt.
Tellefsen’s family house in Trondheim, author unknown. NTNU, University Library. [en]