Composers / Edvard Grieg / Places catalog
Troll Hall (Troldsalen)
Troll Hall (Troldsalen) was opened in 1985, on the centenary of the building of the villa. It was designed by the architects Peter Helland-Hansen and Sverre Lied. The specific form of the architecture was informed by the premises of submerging the building in its natural surroundings, shaping the terrain and not covering up Grieg’s historical home.
The interior decorations were designed with live music in mind. The hall has a first-class acoustic and is equipped with an excellent Steinway piano. The most amazing feature is the entirely glazed back wall of the concert platform, which allows the audience to admire the wonderful view of the waters of the Nordås (a branch of the fjord that resembles a lake) over the composer’s desk in his atelier. One could hardly wish for more inspiring surroundings for performers and listeners.
The hall has a capacity of 200. Among the numerous concerts held here, one should mention around fifty public concerts in summer and autumn series, daily concerts during the Bergen Festival and concerts for fourth-, fifth- and sixth-year pupils of schools in Bergen, whose curriculum includes a visit to Troldhaugen. Then there are short presentations for groups purchasing a package comprising a guided tour of the museum and its grounds together with a performance by a pianist with commentator (in a chosen language). That package is highly popular, with more than 200 such mini-concerts given every year.
The statue in front of the Troldsalen, by Ingebrigt Vik, a well-known sculptor from Øystese in Hardanger (also the location of his museum) is a replica of the original from the Municipal Park in the centre of Bergen. Another copy of this work stands in the foyer of the Grieghallen.