Composers / Fryderyk Chopin / Persons catalog
Stanisław Kostka Zamoyski
Count Stanisław Kostka Zamoyski (1775–1856) was the son of Andrzej Zamoyski, Marshall of the Crown Tribunal and Great Crown Chancellor, and Konstancja Zamoyska née Czartoryska. Zamoyski was a pupil of Stanisław Staszic. He was appointed President of the Provisional Military Government of Galicia and Volhynia by Prince Józef Poniatowski in 1809, and was later President of the Senate (1822–1830), a confidential adviser, and the State Council (Russian Empire) member responsible for the Department of Kingdom of Poland Affairs. Zamoyski was a member of many organisations and learned societies. He was also the President of the Warsaw Charitable Society from 1814 (founded on the initiative of his wife Zofia Zamoyska née Czartoryska, who was renowned for her beauty). Chopin gave concerts at the Zamoyskis’ Błękitny Palace residence in ul. Senatorska.

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