Composers / Fryderyk Chopin / Persons catalog
Eustachy Marylski
Eustachy Marylski (1804–1871) was born in Sochaczew in 1820. He went to the Warsaw Lyceum and boarded with Mikołaj and Justyna Chopin for three years – along with Jan Białobłocki, Karol Weltz, Jan Scipio del Campo, Tytus Woyciechowski, Michał Lisowski and someone named Wodziński. Marylski describes this period in his Pamiętnik [Diary], which was published in the ‘Kurier Warszawski’ [Warsaw Courier]. After graduating from the Lyceum in 1823, he enrolled at the University and received a master’s degree in law and administration. His mentors included Fryderyk Skarbek (with whom he travelled around Europe to study penitentiary systems in 1828) and Kazimierz Brodziński. Marylski travelled extensively and collected numerous historical materials. These were published in a study entitled Pomniki i mogiły Polaków na cmentarzach zagranicznych [Graves and Gravestones of Poles in Cemeteries Abroad] (Warsaw, 1860).