Composers / Edvard Grieg / Persons catalog
Sigmund Torsteinson
Sigmund Torsteinson (1905–1987) – a music writer, critic and museum curator associated with Troldhaugen. Towards the end of the 30s, thanks to his efforts, Troldhaugen became a thriving cultural centre. In the years 1950–1978, he was curator and artistic director of the Edvard Grieg Museum. For his outstanding services, in 1978 he received the Grieg Prize (Griegpraisen). He wrote works devoted to Troldhaugen and to Grieg, including Troldhaugen (1937), Troldhaugen, Nina og Edvard Griegs hjem (1959) and Femti år med Troldhaugen: glimt fra museumstiden 1928–1978 (1978).

65 Troldhaugvegen