Composers / Edvard Grieg / Persons catalog

Johan Svendsen

Johan Svendsen (1840–1911), the first symphonic composer of Norway, a Romantic with a classicist inclination, at the peak of his career even more popular than Grieg, as well as an internationally recognized conductor. As one of the first in Europe he included the works of Tchaikovsky, whom he knew personally, to his repertoire. He finished with composing at 40 and devoted himself to conducting. He was the initiator of orchestral concerts in the Odd Fellow palace. In the years 1872 to 1877 he directed the orchestra of the Music Society in Christiania (until 1874 – together with Grieg). In 1881 he presented for the first time to the audience of Christiania Beethoven’s Symphony 9 and composed his most famous piece – Romance for violin and orchestra (op. 26).


Concert Palace »

3 Neumanns gate

Old Lodge (Gamle Logen) »

2 Grev Wedels plass

Royal Theatre »

9 Kongens Nytorv