Composers / Edvard Grieg / Persons catalog

Sverre Jordan

Sverre Jordan (1889–1972) – a Norwegian composer, conductor and pianist. From 1907 to 1914, he studied composition in Berlin. For twenty-five years (1932–1957), he was conductor of Den Nationale Scene in Bergen, composing music to Bjørnson’s Halte-Hulda, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and several comedies by Holberg. He also led the orchestra and chorus of the ‘Harmonien’ Music Society. He was a music critic for Morgenavisen (1917–1931). He was a continuator of the musical tradition of Grieg, yet open to new trends in the development of tonality. He left eighty-five opuses, including two piano concertos, a cello concerto, cantatas, chamber and choral compositions and piano works.